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Detailed steps to follow

We detail all the steps to follow to start all your dreams.



Fill in your information in the “Contacts” section and choose the Course and date.


Make your Course reservation by paying €4,000 entry fee to the Institute's official account.


Call the Spanish Consulate in your city or the one closest to your place of residence and make an appointment to process the study visa.


Now you have an appointment at the Consulate and you have to prepare the following documents to present on the day of the appointment. Remember that each Spanish Consulate requires different documents and some of them have to be translated and legalized, so you have to check the necessary documents at the Spanish Consulate in your city, or the nearest one. 

  ·Valid passport (which does not expire in the next 6 months at least).

  ·Health insurance of 1 year duration.

  ·Certificate of good health (they do this a doctor certified by the Spanish Consulat).

  ·Criminal record certificate (you must have not committed any crime in the last 5 years).

  ·Bank certificate that you have at your disposal the amount of 3.500€ (it can be in your name, or in the name of a relative or friend, who signs that this money is available for you, for your financial support for your studies in Spain). The amount varies if you come with an accompanying person(s).  If you come with your wife/husband, the amount of the bank certificate should be 7.000€ in total and for each child you want to bring you have to add 1.500€. If you come with 2 children you have to prove 3.000€ more. This money has to be blocked until you arrive in Spain.

  ·Admission letter to our Institute which we will send you once the remaining amount has been paid into the Institute's bank account, deducting the €4,000 paid in the first payment.



With all these documents in force (they expire after 3 months) you go or go (assuming you go with your family) to the Consulate of Spain and present the documentation (remember that you need your spouse and children's Passports and Family Book of they)


Wait for the call from the Consulate telling you that they have approved your study visa to travel to Spain.


In case that the student presents incorrect or erroneous documentation to the Spanish Consulate on the day of his/her appointment, or is asked for new documentation, he/she will be advised free of charge to modify said documentation in order for his/her student visa to be accepted. In the event that the Consulate denies the visa without apparent reason, the Institute will be the one to prepare the Optional Appeal for Reconsideration and in the event that it is also denied, the student must prepare the required documentation again, assuming its economic cost, to prepare the Contentious-Administrative Appeal before the High Court of Justice of Madrid, in accordance with the provisions of articles 123 and 124 of Law 39/2015 of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, and articles 25 and 46 of Law 29/1998 of July 13, regulating the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction. In the event that THE STUDENT does not comply with any of the payments or renounces his desire to continue with the process for any reason from the moment of registration, the Contract-Agreement will be resolved and terminated without the need to return any amount of money paid up to this point.



Find plane tickets for your trip to Valencia!

Once in Valencia we will help you with all the formalities, such as providing your fingerprints at the Spanish Police, opening a bank account, helping you find work or registering as a resident.



While you take the Course we will help you look for a job that gives you the option to obtain Residency and work in Spain.


You are already in Spain with all your documentation in order. Remember that you cannot commit any crime and you must maintain a good attitude in all aspects of your new work and social life in order to continue residing and working in Spain.



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